The No. 1 resource

Training & Conditioning is the only publication dedicating to bridging sports medicine professionals and strength and conditioning. Across a wide range of print and digital opportunities, Training & Conditioning is a 24/7, 365 on-demand digital resource featuring all aspects of the training and injury management relationship between professionals and athletes. Our audience relies on Training & Conditioning for:

  • In-depth features providing the tools and knowledge necessary to help build powerful sports programs and successful athletes
  • The latest resources and game-changing products
  • Effective tips and strategies to help athletes become the best version of themselves — from injury management to overall performance

Various opportunities

Training & Conditioning’s print issue is complemented with various digital resources, including:

  • Digital editions
  • Special digital guides/resources
  • Weekly E-Newsletter
  • Industry news, videos, coaching resources and more


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Award-winning publication

The editorial and design expertise of the Coach & A.D. team is evident from industry accolades and awards received. Its most recent awards include:

  • 2018 Folio Awards Finalist: B2B Full Issue
  • 2019 Folio Awards Finalist: Sponsored Content

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