Be included in the ultimate resource for athletic trainers and strength coaches looking for the latest products and technology to keep their players healthy, in top shape and on the field. The Training & Conditioning Purchasing Guide provides you with the opportunity to tell your story and product benefits to a highly-engaged audience ready to buy.
- Ad purchase includes an article about your company equal to the size of your ad
- Highlighted company information in the Product and Supplier Listings with your name in color and phone number and website listed
- Our updated format includes a Product Showcase section, where one or more of your products are featured with a photo and description.
- Mailed to over 31,000 subscribers
- Emailed to over 12,000 digital subscribers
- Posted on for a full year
2025 Deadlines:
- Space Deadline: TBD 2025
- Materials Deadline: TBD 2025
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